Find the dimensions of a right circular cone, that holds one liter and is made with a minimum amount of sheet metal. It is open on the top.

To find the dimensions of a right circular cone with a minimum amount of sheet metal while holding one liter, we need to consider the relationship between the volume of the cone and the surface area of the sheet metal.

Let's start by understanding the formula for the volume of a cone and the formula for the surface area of a cone:

The volume of a cone is given by the formula:
V = (1/3) * π * r^2 * h

V represents the volume,
π is a mathematical constant equal to approximately 3.14,
r is the radius of the base of the cone, and
h is the height of the cone.

The surface area of a cone is given by the formula:
A = π * r * (r + l)

A represents the surface area, and
l is the slant height of the cone.

Now, let's proceed step by step to find the dimensions of the cone:

1. Convert one liter to cubic centimeters (cm³). Since 1 liter is equal to 1000 cm³, the volume of the cone is V = 1000 cm³.

2. Assume the cone's dimensions by considering the base radius (r) and height (h).

3. Find the slant height (l) using the Pythagorean theorem:
l² = r² + h²

4. Calculate the volume of the cone using the given dimensions from step 2:
V = (1/3) * π * r^2 * h

5. Set up an equation to minimize the surface area of the cone by relating the volume and surface area:
V = A * t, where t represents the thickness of the sheet metal.

6. Substitute the formulas for V and A from steps 4 and 3, and solve for t.

7. Finally, use the derived values for r, h, and t to determine the dimensions of the cone.

Note: The exact calculations and values depend on the specific solution found in step 6.