1). In 1968, vehicle emision standards allowed 6.3 hydrocarbons released per mile driven. By 1980, the standards allowed only 0.41 hydrocarbons per mile driven. What was the rate of change from 1968 to 1980?

(6.3 - 0.41) / 6.3 =

Convert the decimal answer to a percent.

Thank you! Would it be...


Yes -- if you change the decimal to a percent.

0.93 = 93% decrease

To find the rate of change from 1968 to 1980 for vehicle emission standards, we need to calculate the difference in hydrocarbon allowances per mile driven during these two years.

Step 1: Calculate the change in hydrocarbon allowances per mile driven:
Change = Final Value - Initial Value

Change = 0.41 - 6.3

Step 2: Find the rate of change per year:
Rate of Change = Change / Number of Years

Number of Years = 1980 - 1968 = 12

Rate of Change = (0.41 - 6.3) / 12

Step 3: Calculate the rate of change:
Rate of Change = -5.89 / 12

The rate of change from 1968 to 1980 for vehicle emission standards is approximately -0.49 hydrocarbons per year. This means that the allowance for hydrocarbons decreased by approximately 0.49 units per year during this period.