if a person drove 364 miles in 7 hours how many miles did they drive in 1 hour

i dont like math like this it dont help on google uhhh!!!!

if someone drove 364 miles in 7 hours how many miles did they drive in one hour.(please someone tell me the answer).

Correct me if I'm wrong but it should be 52? Apologies if im wrong.

To find out how many miles the person drove in one hour, you can divide the total distance (364 miles) by the total time (7 hours). This can be calculated using the formula:

Distance in 1 hour = Total distance / Total time

Substituting the given values, we have:

Distance in 1 hour = 364 miles / 7 hours

Calculating this division:

Distance in 1 hour ≈ 52 miles

Therefore, the person drove approximately 52 miles in one hour.

364/7 = ?

Sue drove 364 miles in 7 hours how many miles did she drive in 1 hour