complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative adjectives - I answered below the questions

______(that) camisa del algodon no? Prefiero cosas de algondon. Que piensas de ______ (these) pantalones?

1. esa 2. estos

Ya no tiene ______ (those) pantalones en casa? 1. esos

Tengo unos pantalones muy similares. Hmm, ______ (these) sandalias son muy comodas. Que piensas to?

1. estas

No hacen juego con (match) _____(that)
blusa. LA blusa es demasiado formal.


Same error (to ---> tú) as in the first one I read above.


To complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative adjectives, you need to consider the proximity of the objects being referred to.

1. "______(that) camisa del algodón no? Prefiero cosas de algodón."

In this sentence, you are referring to a specific shirt that is not near you or the person you are talking to, so you would use the demonstrative adjective "esa."

2. "Que piensas de ______ (these) pantalones?"

In this sentence, you are referring to pants that are closer to you or the person you are talking to, so you would use the demonstrative adjective "estos."

3. "Ya no tiene ______ (those) pantalones en casa?"

Here, you are referring to pants that are not near you or the person you are talking to, so you would use the demonstrative adjective "esos."

4. "Tengo unos pantalones muy similares. Hmm, ______ (these) sandalias son muy cómodas. ¿Qué piensas tú?"

In this sentence, you are referring to sandals that are closer to you or the person you are talking to, so you would use the demonstrative adjective "estas."

5. "No hacen juego con (match) _____(that) blusa. LA blusa es demasiado formal."

Here, you are referring to a blouse that is not near you or the person you are talking to, so you would use the demonstrative adjective "esa."

So, the correct answers are:

1. esa
2. estos
3. esos
4. estas
5. esa