What happens to electrons in any charging process?

Give an example of something charged by induction?

In any charging process, electrons can either be gained or lost by an object. When an object gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged, and when it loses electrons, it becomes positively charged.

For example, during charging by friction, when two objects rub against each other, such as when you rub a balloon against your hair, there is a transfer of electrons between the two objects. The balloon tends to gain electrons from your hair and becomes negatively charged.

Charging by induction is another method where electrons can be moved to charge an object. It occurs when a charged object is brought near a neutral object, without physical contact. The closer the charged object gets to the neutral object, the more the electrons in the neutral object will be repelled or attracted. This causes a redistribution of the electrons in the neutral object, creating a separation of charge and resulting in a charged object by induction.