6 1/8 - x = 1 7/8 ?

would it be 4 1/8 = x


Try converting 6 1/8 and 1 7/8 to fractions. It will be easier to ad and subtract a fraction. For instance 4 1/4 converted to a fraction would be 17/4.

4 2\8

6 1/8=49/8

1 7/8=15/8

To solve the equation 6 1/8 - x = 1 7/8, we need to follow these steps:

1. Convert all mixed numbers into improper fractions.
- 6 1/8 can be written as [(6 * 8) + 1]/8 = 49/8
- 1 7/8 can be written as [(1 * 8) + 7]/8 = 15/8

2. Rewrite the equation with the improper fractions.
- 49/8 - x = 15/8

3. To isolate the variable x, we need to eliminate the fractions. Since both the fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract them directly.
- 49/8 - 15/8 = x

4. Simplify the left side of the equation.
- (49 - 15)/8 = x
- 34/8 = x

5. Simplify the fraction if possible.
- 34/8 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2.
- 34 ÷ 2 / 8 ÷ 2 = 17/4

Therefore, the solution to the equation 6 1/8 - x = 1 7/8 is x = 17/4, which can also be written as 4 1/4 or 4.25.