1. e^ln3 - 2lnx

2. 2(lnx)^2 + lnx - 1 =0

3. d/dx (e^x . e^e^x)


e^ln 3 = 3
3 - ln x^2

2z^2 +z-1 = 0
(2z-1)(z+1) = 0

z = 1/2 or -1
ln x = 1/2
e^ln x = x = e^.5 = 1.65
ln x = -1
e^-1 = 1/e = .367

do not understand notation

1. To simplify the expression e^ln3 - 2lnx, we can use the properties of logarithms and exponentials. The natural logarithm, ln(x), is the inverse of the natural exponential function, e^x. Applying this relationship, we can simplify the expression as follows:

e^ln3 - 2lnx = 3 - 2lnx

2. To solve the equation 2(lnx)^2 + lnx - 1 = 0, we can use a technique called factoring. Let's break down the steps:

2(lnx)^2 + lnx - 1 = 0

Now, let's factor the left side of the equation:

(2lnx - 1)(lnx + 1) = 0

To find the values that make the equation true, we can set each factor equal to zero and solve for x:

2lnx - 1 = 0 -> lnx = 1/2 -> x = e^(1/2)

lnx + 1 = 0 -> lnx = -1 -> x = e^(-1)

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are x = e^(1/2) and x = e^(-1).

3. To differentiate the expression d/dx (e^x . e^e^x), we can use the product rule of differentiation. The product rule states that for two functions u(x) and v(x), the derivative of their product is given by:

d/dx(u(x) * v(x)) = u'(x) * v(x) + u(x) * v'(x)

Applying the product rule to our expression, we get:

d/dx (e^x . e^e^x) = d/dx (e^x) * e^e^x + e^x * d/dx (e^e^x)

The derivative of e^x is itself (since it is its own derivative), and the derivative of e^e^x can be found using the chain rule as e^e^x * d/dx(e^x), which simplifies to e^e^x * e^x. Therefore:

d/dx (e^x . e^e^x) = e^x * e^e^x + e^x * e^e^x = 2e^x * e^e^x

So, the derivative of (e^x . e^e^x) with respect to x is 2e^x * e^e^x.