The Cedar Bluff express KAT bus averages 5 mph for 17 minutes, and then 44 mph for 13 minutes. What was its average speed? (mph)

Calculate the total distance driven and divide it by 1/2 hour (30 minutes).

You will need to convert mph speeds to miles/minute when multiplying by travel times in mintes.
5 mph is 1/12 miles/minute
44 mph is 11/15 miles/minute

Thank you very much

To find the average speed of the Cedar Bluff express KAT bus, we'll use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

First, let's calculate the total distance covered by the bus. We have two segments of the journey: 17 minutes at 5 mph and 13 minutes at 44 mph.

Distance1 = Speed1 * Time1
Distance1 = 5 mph * 17 minutes
Distance1 = 85 miles

Distance2 = Speed2 * Time2
Distance2 = 44 mph * 13 minutes
Distance2 = 572 miles

Now, we can calculate the total distance:

Total Distance = Distance1 + Distance2
Total Distance = 85 miles + 572 miles
Total Distance = 657 miles

Next, we need to calculate the total time taken:

Total Time = Time1 + Time2
Total Time = 17 minutes + 13 minutes
Total Time = 30 minutes

Finally, we can find the average speed:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 657 miles / 30 minutes

To convert minutes to hours, we divide by 60:

Average Speed = 657 miles / (30 minutes / 60 minutes per hour)
Average Speed = 657 miles / 0.5 hours
Average Speed = 1314 miles per hour

Therefore, the average speed of the Cedar Bluff express KAT bus is 1314 mph.