what is the hybridization of BrO2+


To determine the hybridization of BrO2+, we need to first count the total number of valence electrons in the molecule.

Bromine (Br) is in Group 7A of the periodic table, so it has 7 valence electrons. Oxygen (O) is in Group 6A, so each oxygen atom has 6 valence electrons. Since there are two oxygen atoms in BrO2+, the total number of valence electrons is:

7 (Br) + 2(6) (O) + 1 (positive charge) = 20 valence electrons

Next, we need to arrange the atoms in a way that satisfies the octet rule. Since bromine is the central atom and oxygen atoms are bonded to it, let's place bromine in the center and oxygen atoms on either side.


We use single bonds to connect bromine and oxygen atoms:


Each single bond contributes two electrons, so the number of electrons used so far is:

2 (single bond between Br-O) + 6 (2 lone pairs on each oxygen atom) = 14

Therefore, the remaining number of valence electrons is:

20 - 14 = 6 valence electrons

Since there are no more available lone pairs, the remaining 6 electrons form three lone pairs on the bromine atom:


Now, to determine the hybridization, we count the number of regions of electron density around the bromine atom. In this case, there are one single bond and three lone pairs, making a total of four regions of electron density.

Based on the theory of hybridization, the number of regions of electron density determines the hybridization of the atom. For four regions of electron density, the hybridization is sp3.

Therefore, the hybridization of BrO2+ is sp3.

To determine the hybridization of a molecule or ion, we need to identify the central atom and count the number of "groups" surrounding it. A group can be a lone pair or a bonded atom.

In the case of BrO2+, the central atom is the bromine (Br) atom. To find the number of groups surrounding it, we need to consider the bonding and lone pairs.

First, let's determine the number of valence electrons for each atom. Bromine (Br) is in Group 7A or 17 on the periodic table, so it has 7 valence electrons. Oxygen (O) is in Group 6A or 16, so it has 6 valence electrons.

Next, we need to determine the Lewis structure of BrO2+.

Since the bromine atom is positively charged (Br+), we remove one valence electron from Br, leaving us with 6 valence electrons for bromine. Oxygen (O) has 6 valence electrons each.

The Lewis structure of BrO2+ will have a single bond between Br and one oxygen atom (O). The remaining two oxygen atoms (O) will each have a double bond with bromine (Br). That gives us the following structure:

Br+ ---- O ---- O

In this structure, the Br atom is surrounded by three groups: one single bond and two double bonds. Additionally, there is one lone pair on the Br atom.

The total number of groups (bonds + lone pairs) surrounding the Br atom is 4.

Based on the number of groups around the central atom, we can determine its hybridization.

For four groups, the hybridization of the central atom is sp3. Therefore, the hybridization of Br in BrO2+ is sp3.

Remember that hybridization is a concept used to describe the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals in molecules or ions. It helps us understand the geometry and bonding in a molecule.