Find the lowest common denominator of the rational expression: 1/m = (m-34) / 2m squared

Please identify the School Subject correctly (MATH, ALGEBRA, etc.) so the proper teachers read your post and answer it. 11th grade is apt to not be read.


Each day Gina stuck to her routine. She rose at six o'clock and sat at her desk writing until noon. At noon she had a light lunch of fruit and milk. After this sparse repast she headed into town to do her shopping. She shopped for groceries, stamps, and other such items. She would trudge home carrying her small bundles and be at her desk typing away by four.

Each day Gina stuck to her routine. She rose at six o'clock and sat at her desk writing until noon. At noon she had a light lunch of fruit and milk. After this sparse repast she headed into town to do her shopping. She shopped for groceries, stamps, and other such items. She would trudge home carrying her small bundles and be at her desk typing away by four.

To find the lowest common denominator of the rational expression:

1. Determine the prime factorization of each denominator term. In this case, the denominator terms are "m" and "2m squared."

The prime factorization of "m" is simply "m" itself, as it is a prime number.

The prime factorization of "2m squared" can be broken down as follows:
2m squared = 2 * (m * m)

2. Identify the unique factors across all denominator terms. In this case, the unique factors are "2" and "m".

3. Multiply these unique factors together to get the lowest common denominator.

Therefore, the lowest common denominator of the expression 1/m = (m-34) / 2m squared is "2m".