If there are 2 red disks numbered 1 through 2, and 6 yellow disks numbered 3 through 8, find the probability of selecting a red disk, givent that an odd-numbered disk is selected?

To find the probability of selecting a red disk given that an odd-numbered disk is selected, we first need to determine the total number of odd-numbered disks.

Since there are 2 red disks numbered 1 through 2, the number of odd-numbered red disks is 1 (disk numbered 1).

Next, we need to find the total number of odd-numbered disks among all the disks.

There are 2 red disks numbered 1 through 2, and 6 yellow disks numbered 3 through 8. Among these, the odd-numbered disks are 1, 3, 5, and 7.

So, the total number of odd-numbered disks is 4.

To calculate the probability, we divide the number of favorable outcomes (the number of red disks that are odd-numbered) by the total number of outcomes (the total number of odd-numbered disks).

Probability of selecting a red disk given that an odd-numbered disk is selected = Number of odd-numbered red disks / Total number of odd-numbered disks

Probability = 1 / 4

Therefore, the probability of selecting a red disk, given that an odd-numbered disk is selected, is 1/4.

To find the probability of selecting a red disk given that an odd-numbered disk is selected, we first need to determine the total number of odd-numbered disks.

Given that there are 2 red disks (numbered 1 and 2) and 6 yellow disks (numbered 3 through 8), we can see that there are a total of 4 odd-numbered disks (1, 3, 5, and 7).

Therefore, the probability of selecting an odd-numbered disk is 4 out of 8 (since there are a total of 8 disks).

Now, to find the probability of selecting a red disk given that an odd-numbered disk is selected, we need to consider the number of red, odd-numbered disks. In this case, there is only 1 red, odd-numbered disk (which is denoted by the number 1).

So, the probability of selecting a red disk given that an odd-numbered disk is selected is 1 out of 4 (since there are 4 odd-numbered disks).

Therefore, the final probability of selecting a red disk given that an odd-numbered disk is selected is 1/4.