The issue that discusses whether development is more a function of biology or more a function of the environment is the ______________ controversy.


what is he defrent betwing nature/nurture

The issue that discusses whether development is more a function of biology or more a function of the environment is the nature versus nurture controversy.

To understand and contextualize this controversy, it is essential to examine the fundamental factors that contribute to human development. Nature refers to the genetic and biological influences on an individual's development, such as inherited traits, genetic predispositions, and physiological processes. On the other hand, nurture pertains to the environmental influences that shape development, including upbringing, social interactions, cultural influences, and educational experiences.

To address this controversy, scientists and researchers have conducted extensive studies using various methodologies. These studies include twin studies, adoption studies, and biometric studies that aim to examine the impact of genetics and environment on development.

To delve into this topic further, one can explore scientific literature, research papers, and academic journals dedicated to the study of human development. Additionally, reputable educational websites, psychology textbooks, and lectures by experts in the field can provide comprehensive insights into the nature versus nurture controversy.