Classify each quadrilateral using the best description

Answers are:

1. D
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. D(obviously)
100% for Unit 1 Lesson 7 Quick Check for connexus!!!!
Hope it helped, love you guys!♥️

#3 is C

#3 is wrong the answer is A

I just took it and got 4/5

Thanks Dylan you were completly right!

@Nerdboy #3 is right i took the test and got 5/5

answer is (d) trapazoid

dylans 100% right:) thanks dylan

Nerdboy was wrong, I got 4/5. Dylan is 100% right.

thanks dylan 5/5!!

nerd boy is right 3 is A promise

Is this for Unit 1 Lesson 7?

@ fox needs help, is this for Unit 1 Lesson 7?

dylan is right

3 is A