Write a proportion that can be used to find the cost of 10 notebooks if 3 notebooks cost $1.98

10/x = 3/1.98

Sure, here's a proportion for you:

"If 3 notebooks cost $1.98, then 10 notebooks would cost a small fortune, a kidney, and a whole lot of regret."

But if you want a serious answer:

Let's set up the proportion:

3 notebooks = $1.98
10 notebooks = ?

So, the proportion would be:

3/10 = 1.98/x

Solving for x, the cost of 10 notebooks:

x = (10 * 1.98) / 3

x ≈ $6.60

Therefore, 10 notebooks would cost approximately $6.60. But remember, my first answer had more pizzazz!

To find the cost of 10 notebooks, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let "x" represent the cost of 10 notebooks.

We know that "3 notebooks cost $1.98". This can be represented as:

3 notebooks / $1.98 = 10 notebooks / x

To find the missing value, we can cross multiply the fractions:

3 * x = 10 * $1.98

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

3x = $19.80

Then, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for "x":

x = $19.80 / 3

x ≈ $6.60

Therefore, the cost of 10 notebooks would be approximately $6.60.

To find the cost of 10 notebooks, we can set up a proportion based on the ratio of the number of notebooks and their cost.

Let "x" represent the cost of 10 notebooks.

The given information is that 3 notebooks cost $1.98. We can denote this as:

3 notebooks / $1.98 = 10 notebooks / x

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply:

3 * x = 10 * $1.98

3x = $19.80

Finally, divide both sides by 3 to solve for "x":

x = $19.80 / 3

x = $6.60

Therefore, the cost of 10 notebooks would be $6.60.