18. For what consumer item did Robert de Graff create a vast new market?

a. zippers
b. movies
c. paperback books
d. trucks

21. Why did a number of nations join to form NATO in 1949?
a. to solve postwar problems as an agency of the United Nations
b. to create an economic alliance against Germany and Japan
c. to protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression
d. to counter the military threat posed by the Warsaw Pact

22. Harding and Coolidge both based their foreign policy on a return to
a. unionism
b. nativism
c. isolationism
d. progressivism
Not sure..D?

29. Which of the following contributed to the migration from farms to cities in the late 1800s?
a. streetcars
b. a sharp decline in the need for farm labor
c. cheap housing
d. decreased demand for agricultural products

30. The progressive movement focused mainly on the problems of
a. African Americans
b. urban residents
c. tenant farmers
d. nonunionized workers

31. How did Roosevelt's New Deal try to help businesses?
a. by raising tariffs
b. by stabilizing industrial prices
c. by expanding foreign trade
d. by abolishing the minimum wage


18 and 21 -- correct

22. Wrong.

The rest are correct.

22- C?



:D Thanks


:-) You're welcome.

For question 18, "For what consumer item did Robert de Graff create a vast new market?" the correct answer is c. paperback books.

To arrive at this answer, you can use the process of elimination:

a. Zippers: Robert de Graff is not associated with the creation of zippers.
b. Movies: Robert de Graff is not associated with the creation of movies.
c. Paperback books: Robert de Graff is indeed known for creating a vast new market for paperback books.
d. Trucks: Robert de Graff is not associated with the creation of trucks.

Therefore, the answer is c. paperback books.

For question 21, "Why did a number of nations join to form NATO in 1949?" the correct answer is c. to protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression.

To determine the answer, you can read through the options:

a. to solve postwar problems as an agency of the United Nations: NATO was not created as an agency of the United Nations.
b. to create an economic alliance against Germany and Japan: While economic alliances did form after World War II, this was not the primary reason for forming NATO.
c. to protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression: This is the main reason why NATO was formed - to defend member countries against the threat of the Soviet Union and communism.
d. to counter the military threat posed by the Warsaw Pact: The Warsaw Pact was formed as a response to NATO, so this option is incorrect.

Therefore, the answer is c. to protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression.

For question 22, "Harding and Coolidge both based their foreign policy on a return to," the correct answer is c. isolationism.

To determine the answer, consider the options:

a. unionism: Both Harding and Coolidge did not focus on promoting unionism.
b. nativism: While there was some element of nativism during their time, it was not the basis of their foreign policy.
c. isolationism: This is the correct answer. Both Harding and Coolidge sought to avoid involvement in international conflicts and focus on domestic affairs.
d. progressivism: Neither Harding nor Coolidge were known for their progressivism.

Therefore, the answer is c. isolationism.

For question 29, "Which of the following contributed to the migration from farms to cities in the late 1800s?" the correct answer is b. a sharp decline in the need for farm labor.

To determine the answer, examine the options:

a. streetcars: While the development of streetcars made transportation easier, it did not contribute significantly to the migration from farms to cities in the late 1800s.
b. a sharp decline in the need for farm labor: This is the correct answer. As agriculture became more mechanized and industrialized, there was less demand for manual farm labor, prompting many to move to urban areas in search of new job opportunities.
c. cheap housing: While the availability of cheap housing in cities was a factor, it was not the main driver of the migration.
d. decreased demand for agricultural products: The decreased demand for agricultural products was a result of the migration rather than a cause of it.

Therefore, the answer is b. a sharp decline in the need for farm labor.

For question 30, "The progressive movement focused mainly on the problems of," the correct answer is b. urban residents.

To determine the answer, analyze the options:

a. African Americans: While the progressive movement did address some issues related to civil rights and racial equality, it was not primarily focused on African Americans.
b. urban residents: This is the correct answer. The progressive movement aimed to address social, political, and economic issues faced by urban residents, such as improving working conditions, regulating industries, and advocating for social welfare.
c. tenant farmers: While the progressive movement did address issues of rural poverty and agriculture, it was not specifically focused on tenant farmers.
d. nonunionized workers: While improving conditions for workers was a concern of the progressive movement, it was not limited to nonunionized workers.

Therefore, the answer is b. urban residents.

For question 31, "How did Roosevelt's New Deal try to help businesses?" the correct answer is b. by stabilizing industrial prices.

To determine the answer, consider the options:

a. by raising tariffs: While the New Deal did implement some protectionist measures, raising tariffs was not the primary way it tried to help businesses.
b. by stabilizing industrial prices: This option is correct. The New Deal attempted to stabilize prices and create a fairer market through measures such as price controls, regulation, and public works projects.
c. by expanding foreign trade: While the New Deal aimed to stimulate the economy, expanding foreign trade was not a key focus of its business assistance efforts.
d. by abolishing the minimum wage: The New Deal actually established and implemented the minimum wage as a means to protect workers' rights and improve their economic conditions.

Therefore, the answer is b. by stabilizing industrial prices.