Evolutionary adaptations that help diverse animals exchange matter with the environment include

a. gastrovascular activity, two-layered body, and torpedo shape.

b. large volume, long tubular body, and wings.

c. complex internal structures, small size, and large surface area.

d. external respiratory surface, small size, and two-layered body.

e. unbranched internal surface, small size, and thick covering.

Definitely D.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concept of evolutionary adaptations that help diverse animals exchange matter with the environment.

When organisms exchange matter with the environment, they often need efficient ways to take up essential nutrients and eliminate waste products. These adaptations can include various structural and physiological features. Let's analyze each option to see which one fits the criteria:

a. Gastrovascular activity, two-layered body, and torpedo shape: Gastrovascular activity refers to having a central digestive cavity for digestion and nutrient absorption, typically found in organisms like jellyfish and flatworms. While a two-layered body (such as in cnidarians) and torpedo shape can have advantages for movement, they do not specifically address matter exchange with the environment. Therefore, option a is not the correct answer.

b. Large volume, long tubular body, and wings: While a large volume and long tubular body might provide more space for internal organs, they do not necessarily enhance matter exchange. Wings, on the other hand, are adaptations for flight and do not directly relate to exchanging matter with the environment. Thus, option b is not the correct answer.

c. Complex internal structures, small size, and large surface area: Complex internal structures could refer to well-developed organ systems that enable efficient exchange of matter with the environment. Small size allows for a higher surface-to-volume ratio, which enhances diffusion across surfaces. Large surface area is desirable for maximizing exchange with the environment. Option c covers these essential features and is a likely answer.

d. External respiratory surface, small size, and two-layered body: Having an external respiratory surface, such as gills or lungs, is an excellent adaptation for exchanging gases with the environment. Small size and a two-layered body contribute to a higher surface-to-volume ratio, which aids in matter exchange. Option d includes these relevant features and is a plausible answer.

e. Unbranched internal surface, small size, and thick covering: While a small size and a thick covering might offer some advantages, the unbranched internal surface does not contribute to efficient matter exchange. Therefore, option e is not the correct answer.

Considering the analysis above, the most appropriate answer is:

c. Complex internal structures, small size, and large surface area.

Please keep in mind that without specific examples or a more detailed context, this question could have multiple answers.