A tragedy hits a small town. The elementary school explodes into flames trapping several classes of second graders. Because the volunteer fire department will take too long to get there, teachers and classified staff remove all the children to safety without considering the danger to themselves. During this crisis, the rescuers' __________ level must have been at an all time high.


I choose D.


Am I right with my answer?


The correct answer is D) endorphin.

Endorphin is a neurotransmitter that acts as a natural painkiller and produces feelings of well-being and happiness. During times of crisis or intense physical exertion, like in the situation described where teachers and staff were rescuing children from a burning school, the body releases endorphins to help cope with the stress and pain. This surge of endorphins can increase their energy, endurance, and focus, allowing them to push through their own safety concerns and focus on saving the children. It is likely that their endorphin levels were at an all-time high during this intense and selfless act of heroism.