I have a question how to answer the following:

1. Estudias mucho?
Would I say Si, me gusta estudio mucho.

2. Andas en patineta en el verano?
Would I say Si, me gusta andas en patineta en el verano.

I know I'm missing the upside down question mark in front of these questions.

Thank you for you help

1. Si, me gusta estudias

2.patineta es mejor en el verano debido a su cálida- Skateboarding is better in the summer because it is warm

1. You would say "Si, estudio mucho" because it's asking do you study a lot and you would typically respond yes, i study a lot (as opposed to yes, i like to study a lot). Do the same thing for #2.

Please, everyone, learn how to do the accents on the computer. I can tell you how if I know 2 things: a) do you have a MAC (easy) or a PC (more difficult) and b) do you have Windows or not .

1. Sí me gusta estudiar. BUT Jen is correct in looking at the question and you will see many of the words come back in the answer. "Sí, estudio mucho" is the correc answer.

2. Sí ando en patinetas en el verano.


the first one is wrong its supposed to be

1. Estudias mucho?
say Si, me gusta estudiar mucho.
which means do you study a lot.

its andar, not andas then its plural

To answer the first question, "Estudias mucho?" in Spanish, you would say "Sí, estudio mucho" which means "Yes, I study a lot." The correct form would be "Sí, me gusta estudiar mucho" which means "Yes, I like to study a lot."

To answer the second question, "Andas en patineta en el verano?" in Spanish, you would say "Sí, ando en patineta en el verano" which means "Yes, I ride a skateboard in the summer." The correct form would be "Sí, me gusta andar en patineta en el verano" which means "Yes, I like to ride a skateboard in the summer."

Remember to use the correct conjugation of the verb and include the subject pronoun "me gusta" if you want to express that you like doing something. And don't worry about the upside-down question mark, it is only used in Spanish writing to indicate the beginning of an interrogative sentence. In speech, the intonation and context make it clear that it is a question.