how would you say "as a result" in other words? Im writing a report and I cant repeat all the time as a result of the meeting...

Consequently...can also be used

Other synonyms are:

accordingly, ergo, hence, so, thereupon, thus, wherefore

To find alternative phrases or expressions that can be used in place of "as a result," you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the context: Consider the intended meaning of "as a result" and how it fits into the sentence. Is it used to indicate a consequence, outcome, or conclusion of an event or action?

2. Consult a thesaurus: Thesauruses are valuable tools for finding synonyms and similar phrases. Look up words like "consequently," "therefore," or "hence" to find replacements.

3. Consider transitional words: Transition words or phrases can be handy when conveying cause-and-effect relationships. Explore words such as "thus," "accordingly," "so," or "henceforth" for alternative options.

4. Adapt the sentence structure: Instead of using a standalone expression, you can rephrase your sentence to convey the cause-and-effect relationship indirectly. Consider starting with the consequence before providing the cause. For example, "The outcome of the meeting led to..." or "This led to the following actions or conclusions:"

By following these steps, you will be able to find suitable alternatives to "as a result" and enhance the flow and clarity of your report.