classify each quadrilateral.use as many names as possible.

a.square b.parellagram c.trapizoid d.a bit more skinnyer parallegram

To classify each quadrilateral, we can use the properties and definitions of different types of quadrilaterals. Let's analyze each option:

a) Square: A square is a quadrilateral with equal sides and right angles. If all four sides are equal in length and all four angles measure 90 degrees, then the given quadrilateral can be classified as a square.

b) Parallelogram: A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel. If the given quadrilateral has opposite sides that are parallel, it can be classified as a parallelogram.

c) Trapezoid: A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides. If the given quadrilateral has one pair of parallel sides, it can be classified as a trapezoid.

d) A bit more skinnier parallelogram: The term "a bit more skinnier parallelogram" is not a commonly used classification for quadrilaterals. However, based on the information provided, if the given quadrilateral has parallel sides but is slightly narrower than a regular parallelogram, it can still be classified as a parallelogram.

Therefore, the possible classifications for the given quadrilateral are:

- Square (if all sides are equal in length and all angles measure 90 degrees)
- Parallelogram (if opposite sides are parallel)
- Trapezoid (if one pair of sides is parallel)
- A bit more skinnier parallelogram (if the quadrilateral has parallel sides but is slightly narrower)