while john is traveling along an interstate highway he notices a 160-mile marker as he passes through town. later john passes another mile marker, 115.

what is the distance between town and john's current location?
what is john's current position?

d = 160 - 115 = 45 miles.

Since the numbers are decreasing,John
is headed South or West.

73.5 miles south


To determine the distance between town and John's current location, we need to subtract the mile marker he passed (115) from the milestone in town (160). We can use the following equation:

Distance = Mile marker in town - Mile marker passed by John

Distance = 160 - 115

Distance = 45 miles

Therefore, the distance between town and John's current location is 45 miles.

To find John's current position, we need to add the mile marker he passed (115) to the town's mile marker (160). This will give us the total number of miles John has traveled from town. So, the equation becomes:

Current position = Mile marker in town + Mile marker passed by John

Current position = 160 + 115

Current position = 275 miles

Therefore, John's current position is at the 275-mile marker.