A patient states that he gets up three or more times per niht to void. What type of condition does this symptom indicate?


To determine the type of condition that this symptom may indicate, we can analyze each of the options given:

A) Uremia: Uremia is the presence of excessive amounts of urea and other waste products in the blood. Although nocturia (frequent urination at night) can be a symptom of uremia, it alone does not indicate this condition. We can eliminate option A.

B) Calculi: Calculi refers to the formation of stones, such as kidney stones or bladder stones. While it is possible that nocturia could be a symptom of calculi, there is not enough information to draw a definite conclusion. We cannot confirm option B based solely on the symptom given.

C) Stricture: A stricture refers to a narrowing or constriction of a tube or passage. In the context of the given symptom (getting up three or more times per night to void), a stricture in the urethra could result in difficulty urinating and thus, nocturia. Option C is a possibility.

D) Nocturia: Nocturia is the medical term used to describe the condition of waking up during the night to urinate. This option directly corresponds to the symptom described and is a plausible choice.

Given the information provided, both options C (stricture) and D (nocturia) are potential conditions that this symptom may indicate.

To confirm a diagnosis, it is important for the patient to seek medical attention and consult with a healthcare professional. They will be able to evaluate the patient's medical history, perform necessary tests, and provide an accurate diagnosis based on the specific symptoms and individual circumstances.