can some one help me with coming with a better way to word theses annswers.

As the angle increases, what happens to the tension in the string?
*the the tension in the string will get tighter or larger for t1

What would you have to do to the angle to make the tension in the string equal to the centripetal force?

this one i really don't understand how to do it .

Certainly! Here are improved ways to word the answers to your questions:

1. As the angle increases, what happens to the tension in the string?
* The tension in the string increases or becomes greater as the angle increases.

2. What would you have to do to the angle to make the tension in the string equal to the centripetal force?
* To make the tension in the string equal to the centripetal force, you would need to adjust or increase the angle.

Now let's break down the thought process for solving the second question:

1. Recognize that the tension in the string should be equal to the centripetal force.
2. Understand that the centripetal force is the force required to keep an object moving in a circular path.
3. Recall that the tension in the string is one of the forces acting on the object.
4. Realize that increasing the angle will increase the tension in the string.
5. Conclude that adjusting or increasing the angle will make the tension in the string equal to the centripetal force.

I hope this explanation helps you in rewording the answers and understanding the process for the second question!