Hmm..I can't seem to get this one.

34. Which of the following contributed to the cattle ranching boom?
a. technical advances
b. falling crop prices
c. expansion of the railroads
d. dry farming

I think it's B?


The railroads made it cheaper and easier to ship beef to the east and to the west coast.

Ohhh I see. Thanks :D


To determine the correct answer to the question, we can analyze each option and understand how it contributed to the cattle ranching boom:

a. Technical advances: This option refers to advancements in technology. While advancements in technology did have an impact on various industries, it did not directly contribute to the cattle ranching boom.

b. Falling crop prices: This option suggests that falling crop prices contributed to the cattle ranching boom. This answer could be plausible, as lower crop prices might have incentivized farmers to switch to cattle ranching instead.

c. Expansion of the railroads: This option addresses the expansion of the railroads. Railroads played a significant role in the cattle ranching boom since they provided a means to transport cattle across different regions, opening up new markets for cattle ranchers.

d. Dry farming: Dry farming refers to a method of agriculture in arid regions. While dry farming techniques might have been used on some cattle ranches to sustain animal feed, it did not directly contribute to the cattle ranching boom.

Considering the explanations above, the correct answer to the question "Which of the following contributed to the cattle ranching boom?" would be:

c. Expansion of the railroads

Therefore, the option you initially selected (B) is not the correct answer.