public opinion is ordinarily used in reference to the whole society. this perspective is

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Public opinion is ordinarily used in reference to the whole society. This perspective is

a. accurate, since Americans are one people and indivisible.
b. less accurate than a view of public opinion based on the majority, since the political system operates on the principle of majority rule.
c. less accurate than the idea that Americans form many publics that differ greatly in such things as the level of attention they pay to politics.
d. less accurate than a view of public opinion based on what the news media are saying about the public.

Accurate, since Americans are one people and indivisible.

based on the idea that public opinion represents the collective beliefs, attitudes, and preferences of a group of people within a society. It serves as an indicator of the general consensus or sentiment on an issue or topic.

Obtaining public opinion involves various methods, such as surveys, polls, interviews, and observations. Here's how you can establish public opinion:

1. Surveys and Polls: These involve creating questionnaires and distributing them to a representative sample of the population. It is important to ensure the sample is diverse and adequately represents the population being studied. The results can be analyzed to understand the overall opinion.

2. Interviews: Conducting individual or group interviews can provide more in-depth insights into people's opinions and reasoning. This approach allows for open-ended questions and follow-up queries to explore different perspectives.

3. Observations: Sometimes, public opinion can be gauged by observing people's behavior, such as attending public gatherings, monitoring social media conversations, or analyzing online discussions. This method can provide real-time insights into ongoing public sentiment.

4. Expert Analysis: Consulting experts in relevant fields, such as sociology, political science, or market research, can help interpret and analyze public opinion data objectively. Experts can provide valuable insights into societal trends and implications of the public sentiment.

It is important to note that public opinion can be influenced by various factors, including media coverage, cultural norms, personal experiences, and political or social dynamics. Therefore, interpreting public opinion requires considering these influential factors and acknowledging the potential biases that may be present.

Overall, public opinion is a valuable tool for understanding the prevailing sentiments within a society and is useful in informing decision-making processes for policymakers, businesses, and organizations.