2x^2-5x-3/3x^2-5x-2 times 2x^2+11x+5/x^2+3x-10

this is what I have:
(x-3)(2x+1)/(x-2)(3x+1) times (2x+1)(x+5)/(x-2)(x+5)

How is the answer x-3/3x+1

The answer is not (x-3)(3x+1)

that WOULD have been the answer if the question had been a division, things would have canceled so nicely.
Check your typing.

To simplify the given expression, you need to multiply the numerators and denominators of the two fractions separately and then combine the results.

Let's start by multiplying the numerators together:

Next, multiply the denominators together:

Now, combine the results:
[(x-3)(2x+1)(2x+1)(x+5)] / [(x-2)(3x+1)(x-2)(x+5)]

Now, notice that (2x+1) appears both in the numerator and denominator. These terms cancel out:

[(x-3)(2x+1)(x+5)] / [(x-2)(3x+1)(x-2)]

Next, notice that (x-2) and (x+5) also appear both in the numerator and denominator. These terms cancel out as well:

[(x-3)(2x+1)] / [(3x+1)]

Finally, the expression becomes:

(x-3)(2x+1) / (3x+1)

So, the simplified answer is (x-3) divided by (3x+1). Therefore, the answer is x-3 / 3x+1.