4 plants that can be used to make shelter.

Describe the role played by the cellophane in the activity. Also draw diagrams to show what it dsoe?

To find four plants that can be used to make shelter, we need to consider plants that have properties suitable for constructing a shelter, such as flexibility, durability, and strength. Here are four common plants that have been used for shelter-building purposes:

1. Bamboo: Bamboo is an excellent choice for shelter construction due to its strength, flexibility, and fast growth. It can be used for walls, roofs, and even structural supports. Bamboo is widely available in tropical and subtropical regions.

2. Willow: Willow trees have flexible branches that can be woven together to create a strong shelter frame. They also grow quickly, making them a good choice for temporary shelters. Willow branches can be interlaced to form walls or used to create a strong framework.

3. Palm: Palm trees provide a versatile source of materials for shelter construction. The leaves of palm trees, known as fronds, can be used for thatching roofs. The trunk can also be utilized to create a sturdy framework.

4. Thatch grass: Various types of thatch grass, such as African thatch grass or cogon grass, can be used to create roofs for shelters. These grasses are typically bundled and layered to form a thick and insulating roof covering.

It's essential to note that the suitability of these plants for shelter construction can vary depending on the region and specific circumstances. It's always important to gather proper knowledge in advance if you plan to use natural materials for shelter.