According to Wikipedia, "the problems which are purportedly caused by immigrants equally exist amongst native-born populations as well, and that politicians often use immigration as a convenient scapegoat to distract the public from real social, political and economic problems."

I was wondering if someone could please give me an example of this? Thanks!

Immigrants have frequently been accused of taking jobs from "real" Americans. Politicians who oppose immigrants often use this as a reason. The problem with this argument is that many immigrants work very hard for minimum (or lower) wage that doesn't attract most other workers.

Is there a specific reason why these politicians like to use immigrants as a scapegoat?

because they are nothing

Certainly! One example of politicians using immigration as a scapegoat to divert attention from other issues is the phenomenon of economic downturns. During periods of economic recession or high unemployment rates, politicians may blame immigrants for taking away jobs or burdening social welfare systems, even if the actual causes of the economic hardships lie elsewhere.

To get a specific example, you could start by researching instances where politicians have made statements or taken actions that used immigration as a scapegoat during economic crises. For example, you could search for news articles or speeches from political leaders during times of economic downturn, such as the Great Recession of 2008. Look for instances where politicians point fingers at immigrants as the cause of unemployment or economic struggles, instead of addressing the underlying factors at play.

By examining statements or policies made by politicians during such times, you can find examples that support the idea that immigration is often unfairly blamed for societal problems that also impact native-born populations. Reading different perspectives and scrutinizing sources will help you form a comprehensive understanding of how politicians use immigration as a scapegoat in various contexts.