Write an application that calculates the value of e^x by using the following formula:e^x=1+(x/1!)+(x^2/2!)+(x^3/3!)...

Allow the user to enter the number of terms to calculate

Are you writing it in C++, java or VB.net?

I suppose you have just finished control statements, and should be capable of writing the required application.

Have you started coding. Post your code if you have difficulties.

I don't understand the formula :/

I don't understand the formula :/ im writing in java

The formula for

ex can be approximated by the infinite series:
= 1 + x + x²/2! + x³/3! + ... (ad infinitum)
where 2! = factorial 2 = 1*2, and
3! = factorial 3 = 1*2*3, etc.

So for a given value of x, say 0.2,
to approximate e0.2, we calculate

The actual value from a calculator would be 1.221402758...

Notice that each term can be calculated from the preceding one by multiplying by x and dividing by a successively higher integer, 1,2,3...
You could try the following pseudocode:

term=1 // first term
sum=term // accumulator
counter=1 // term counter
eps=0.000001 // accuracy required
input x // value of x for which e^x required
term <- term * x/counter
counter ++
sum <- sum + term

Post your code if you have questions.

To write an application that calculates the value of e^x using the given formula, you will need to use a loop to calculate each term and sum them up. Here's an example of how you can implement it in Python:

import math

def calculate_e_power_x(x, num_terms):
result = 1.0
numerator = x
denominator = 1

for i in range(1, num_terms):
result += numerator / denominator
numerator *= x
denominator *= (i + 1)

return result

# Get user input for x and the number of terms
x = float(input("Enter the value of x: "))
num_terms = int(input("Enter the number of terms to calculate: "))

# Calculate and print the result
result = calculate_e_power_x(x, num_terms)
print(f"The value of e^{x} is approximately: {result}")

In this code, we start with `result` as 1, since the first term in the formula is 1. We use `numerator` and `denominator` to keep track of the current term's numerator and denominator. The loop iterates from 1 to `num_terms - 1`, calculating the next term by dividing `numerator` by `denominator` and adding it to the `result`. Then, we update `numerator` by multiplying it by `x` and `denominator` by `(i + 1)` to get the values for the next term.

Remember to include the `math` module in your code to use the `math.exp()` function in case you want to compare the result with the built-in `e^x` calculation for verification.