How must $59 be shared between Michael and Matthew so that Michael’s share is

$4 less than twice Matthew’s share?

A + B = 59 so B = (59-A)

A = 2 B - 4

A = 2 (59-A) -4

A = 118 - 2A - 4

3 A = 114

A = 38

B = 59 - A = 21

To find how $59 must be shared between Michael and Matthew, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume Matthew's share is represented by x dollars. According to the question, Michael's share is $4 less than twice Matthew's share. This can be written as (2x - 4) dollars.

The sum of their shares should be equal to the total amount to be shared, which is $59. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

x + (2x - 4) = 59

Now we solve the equation to find the value of x, which represents Matthew's share:

3x - 4 = 59
3x = 63
x = 21

Matthew's share is $21.

To find Michael's share, we substitute the value of x into the expression (2x - 4):

2(21) - 4 = $42 - $4 = $38

Therefore, Michael's share is $38.

In conclusion, $59 must be shared between Michael and Matthew so that Michael's share is $38 and Matthew's share is $21.