i needed help on some problems and clarification on one.

1. Determine the location and type (removable, jump, infinite, or other) of all discontinuities of the function

this section has been confusing for me for some reason, can any one briefly explain the rules and differences of discontinuities here, like how can one tell that the problem above is going to be a jump or removable or infinite discontinuity with out graphing. Also, what are there differences on a graph.

2. Lim as x->9 (2-sqrt(x-5))/(x-9)
please show me how to do this with out using any future methods such as l'hospitals rule. Right now it's in the 0/0 form and i am having trouble simplifying it. I tried the conjugates but still ending up with 0/0

3. Use the intermediate value theorem in order to show that the equation x^5-x+1=0 has at least one real solution

for this one i got "There is a zero some where between [-1,-2] because the sign changes some where in-between".

I will answer #1. repost for #2 and #3 if necessary.

A vertical asymptote is typically caused by the denominator becoming zero. The function is undefined at this point. The limits of the function from left and right may or may not be the same, and are usually ±&infin.

A removal discontinuity is apparent when you have a common factor in the numerator and the denominator, which therefore "cancel". This has the effect that the limits from the left and right of the discontinuity exist and are equal, but the function does not exist at the point of discontinuity.

In the example above, there is one of each.

1. To determine the location and type of discontinuities of a function, you need to analyze the behavior of the function as it approaches certain points in its domain. Here are the different types of discontinuities:

- Removable Discontinuity: This occurs when there is a hole in the graph of the function. The limit exists as x approaches the discontinuity, but the function is not defined at that point. To identify a removable discontinuity, check if the function can be algebraically simplified or if there are common factors that can be canceled out.

- Jump Discontinuity: This occurs when the left and right limits of the function at a certain point exist but are not equal. This results in a sudden jump or gap in the graph as it transitions from one limiting value to another. To identify a jump discontinuity, calculate the left and right limits separately and check if they are equal or not.

- Infinite Discontinuity: This occurs when the function approaches infinity or negative infinity as x approaches a certain point. To identify an infinite discontinuity, check if the limit as x approaches the point is either positive or negative infinity.

- Other Discontinuities: This category includes various other types of discontinuities such as oscillating, removable jump, or mixed types.

To apply these rules to the given function (x^2-3x+2)/(x^2-1), we need to analyze its behavior as x approaches certain points. First, check if there are any points where the function does not exist (i.e., divide by zero). Here, the function is undefined for x = -1 and x = 1, so these are potential points of discontinuity.

Next, evaluate the limit of the function as x approaches each of these points. If the limit exists, compare the left and right limits to determine the type of discontinuity.

For x = -1, the limit as x approaches -1 is 4/0, which is undefined, indicating a vertical asymptote or an infinite discontinuity.

For x = 1, the limit as x approaches 1 is -2/0, which is undefined, indicating another vertical asymptote or an infinite discontinuity.

Therefore, the function has two infinite discontinuities. To determine the precise location, you can consider the values of x that are very close to -1 and 1, and check if the function approachs positive or negative infinity.

2. To evaluate the limit as x approaches 9 for the given function (2-sqrt(x-5))/(x-9), we can try to simplify the expression further.

First, let's rationalize the numerator. Multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the expression inside the square root, which is 2+sqrt(x-5).

[(2-sqrt(x-5))/(x-9)] * [(2+sqrt(x-5))/(2+sqrt(x-5))]

Simplifying this gives [(4-(x-5))/(x-9)(2+sqrt(x-5))].
Now we have a simplified expression where the numerator is no longer in a square root.

Next, let's simplify the denominator by multiplying it out:
(x-9)(2+sqrt(x-5)) = 2(x-9) + (x-9)sqrt(x-5)

Now, let's simplify the numerator by distributing:
4 - (x-5) = 4 - x + 5 = 9 - x

Putting it all together, the expression becomes:
[(9 - x)/(2(x-9) + (x-9)sqrt(x-5))]

Now, we can evaluate the limit as x approaches 9 by directly substituting 9 into the expression:
[(9 - 9)/(2(9-9) + (9-9)sqrt(9-5))]
= 0 / (0 + 0)
= 0

Therefore, the limit as x approaches 9 of the given function is 0.

3. To use the intermediate value theorem to show that the equation x^5 - x + 1 = 0 has at least one real solution, we need to find two points (a and b) such that f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs.

First, evaluate the function at two particular values:
f(-1) = (-1)^5 - (-1) + 1 = -1 - (-1) + 1 = -1 + 1 + 1 = 1
f(-2) = (-2)^5 - (-2) + 1 = -32 + 2 + 1 = -29 + 1 = -28

Since f(-1) = 1 and f(-2) = -28, we can see that f(-1) and f(-2) have opposite signs (-1 is positive and -28 is negative).

By the intermediate value theorem, since the function changes sign between f(-1) and f(-2), there must be at least one real solution to the equation x^5 - x + 1 = 0 between x = -1 and x = -2.