If a triangle has sides that measure 6, 5, and 5.999, is the triangle isosceles, equilateral, or scalene?

What do you think?


i guess its a equilateral..huh didn't put much tought into it..

equi = equal

lateral = sides

I guess you should study the above link and put more thought into this question.

To determine whether the given triangle is isosceles, equilateral, or scalene, we need to examine the lengths of its sides.

An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length, while an equilateral triangle has all three sides of equal length. A scalene triangle, on the other hand, has all three sides of different lengths.

In this case, the triangle has side lengths of 6, 5, and 5.999.

To simplify the comparison, let's round the side length of 5.999 to the nearest whole number, giving us 6. Now we have side lengths of 6, 5, and 6.

Since two sides have equal lengths (both are 6), and the remaining side is different (5), we can conclude that the given triangle is an isosceles triangle.