They sailed around Africa. Later, Columbus reached the Americas.


The Portuguese made several voyages of discovery during the Age of Exploration, which took place between the 15th and 17th centuries. These voyages were driven by the desire to find new trade routes, obtain valuable resources, and spread Christianity to other parts of the world.

To find out where the Portuguese made their voyages of discovery, we can examine the historical records and maps of that time. One notable Portuguese explorer who played a crucial role in these voyages was Prince Henry the Navigator. He established a school of navigation, where he gathered scholars, mapmakers, astronomers, and experienced seafarers to study and develop better methods of navigation.

Here are some key locations where the Portuguese made important voyages of discovery:

1. West Coast of Africa: The Portuguese explored and established trade routes along the West African coast, reaching as far south as modern-day Angola. They established trading posts and colonies, trading mainly in gold, ivory, timber, and eventually slaves.

2. Cape of Good Hope: In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias became the first European to reach the southernmost tip of Africa, which they called the Cape of Good Hope. This opened the way for future Portuguese voyages to India and the East.

3. India: Vasco da Gama's successful voyage in 1497-1498 opened a direct sea route from Europe to India. The Portuguese established several trading posts and colonies along the western coast of India, including Goa, which became their center of power.

4. Spice Islands (Moluccas): The Portuguese sought to control the lucrative spice trade, particularly nutmeg and cloves, which were highly valued in Europe. They established trading posts in the Spice Islands and controlled the spice trade for a considerable period.

5. Brazil: In 1500, Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral accidentally arrived in Brazil while en route to India. The Portuguese claimed the land and established the colony of Brazil, which eventually became a significant Portuguese territory.

These are just a few examples of the locations where the Portuguese made voyages of discovery. The Portuguese explorations were extensive, and their navigational advancements greatly influenced future European exploration and colonization.