Here are a few problems I need solving Make sure to show a check for the solution and write the solution in set notation like {x|x>5}:

Solve for y

Solve for x
-2(4x+5) < 2x-20

I do not know set notation. When multiplying/dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative, reverse the carat.

-7y > 56

y < -8

-8x + 10 < 2x - 20

-10x < -30

x > 3

I goofed with a sign. It should be:

-8x - 10 < 2x - 20

-10x < -10

x > 1

To solve the equation -7y - 14 > 42, we need to isolate the variable y.

Step 1: Begin by moving the constant term to the other side of the inequality by adding 14 to both sides:
-7y - 14 + 14 > 42 + 14
-7y > 56

Step 2: Next, divide both sides of the inequality by -7. Since we are dividing by a negative number, the inequality sign will flip:
(-7y)/(-7) < 56/(-7)
y < -8

Therefore, the solution to the inequality -7y - 14 > 42 is y < -8.

To write the solution in set notation, we express it as {y | y < -8}.

Now, let's solve the equation -2(4x + 5) < 2x - 20.

Step 1: Begin by distributing -2 to the terms inside the parentheses:
-8x - 10 < 2x - 20

Step 2: Next, move the constant term to the other side of the inequality by adding 10 to both sides:
-8x - 10 + 10 < 2x - 20 + 10
-8x < 2x - 10

Step 3: Combine like terms by bringing all the x terms to one side of the inequality:
-8x - 2x < -10
-10x < -10

Step 4: Divide both sides of the inequality by -10. Since we are dividing by a negative number, the inequality sign will flip:
(-10x)/(-10) > (-10)/(-10)
x > 1

Therefore, the solution to the inequality -2(4x + 5) < 2x - 20 is x > 1.

In set notation, we express it as {x | x > 1}.