How do you find Altitude and slope

slope is the derivative of a function:
for ex. if you have f(x)=x^2 + x, at point (1,2)
your slope is 2(1) + 1 = 3 =m
to find the equation is y-y1=m(x-x1)
so you have: y-2=3(x-1)
gives you: 3x-1 is your equation for a tangent line to f(x).

not sure about altitude tho.

To find the altitude, you typically need more information, such as the distance and direction from a reference point or the elevation of that point. Altitude refers to the height above a specific reference point or a particular surface, like sea level.

If you are referring to the altitude in the context of aerial navigation or geospatial data, you would typically use a Global Positioning System (GPS) or a navigation system that provides altitude measurements.

For example, if you have access to a GPS device or app on your smartphone, follow these steps to find your current altitude:

1. Make sure the GPS is enabled on your device.
2. Open the GPS app or navigate to the settings menu where altitude information is displayed.
3. Wait for the GPS to establish a connection and determine your location.
4. Once your location is determined, the app or device should display your current altitude.

Keep in mind that altitude measurements can sometimes be affected by GPS accuracy limitations, signal interference, or various atmospheric conditions.

If you are referring to the altitude of a specific location or summit, you can often find this information through online resources, topographic maps, or dedicated altitude databases. These sources provide elevation data for various points on the Earth's surface.

To find the altitude using online resources or topographic maps:

1. Identify the location or summit for which you want to find the altitude.
2. Use search engines or map applications to locate the area or specific point on a map.
3. Check for specific labels or markers indicating elevation or altitude values on the map. These may be represented by contour lines or numerical values.
4. Some map applications or websites may also provide a search function specifically for finding altitudes or elevations of various locations.

If you have access to a dedicated altitude database or website, such as NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data, you can input the coordinates or the name of the location to retrieve altitude measurements.

Remember to consider the reference point or surface used for measuring altitude, as it can vary depending on the context of your question.