What would be the missing piece of information given the following information:

Find the equation of the line that passes through the points (3, -1) and (2, 5).

y = -6x + ?





Good. Try this one just like we did the last one...let me know how you do!

is it...15?

nope. Show me what you did.

i did what you said.Wait...oh is it 11?

lol...no again!

oh never mind it's 20

please show me exactly how you are doing it, so I can show you where you're going wrong.

i subtracted y1 from y2 and the saME with x?is it 20?

What you are doing is calculating the slope.
They are not asking you for the slope, but to complete the equation.
To complete the equation, you substitute the x and the y into the equation like we did before.

y = -6x + ?

let's use the second point (2,5) because it's easier (you can use either point!)

Substitute the 5 for y:

5 = -6x + ?

substitute the 2 for the x:

5 = -6(2) + ?

5 = -12 + ?

and the ? is...


You got it!

yeah!!!can you help me with the next one?

Of course! I'm glad you're feeling more confident. What's the next question?