1. What are your opening hours?

2. When are your opening hours?
3. What is your opening hours?
4. When doe the museum open?
5. We are closed on Mondays?

(Would you check the sentences? Are all OK? What is the part of speech of 'closed'?)

What time do you open?

What hours are you open?

What is your opening hour?

When does the museum open?

We are closed on Mondays.

Be sure to compare mine with yours ... closely!

1. The sentence "What are your opening hours?" is grammatically correct. The part of speech of "opening hours" is a noun phrase, where "opening" functions as an adjective modifying the noun "hours."

2. The sentence "When are your opening hours?" is also grammatically correct. Here, "opening hours" retains its noun phrase structure. The word "when" serves as an interrogative adverb, indicating the inquiry for a specific time.

3. The sentence "What is your opening hours?" is not grammatically correct. It should be "What are your opening hours?" since "opening hours" is a plural noun phrase.

4. The question "When does the museum open?" is grammatically correct. Here, "open" functions as a verb in the simple present tense, and "the museum" is the subject.

5. The sentence "We are closed on Mondays" is grammatically correct. The word "closed" is functioning as the verb in the passive voice, indicating the current state or action of the subject "we." It states that the subject is not open or operating on Mondays.