use exponential notation to express the number 480 in 3 significant figures and 4 significant figures

4.80 • 10^2

4.800 • 10^2

4.80 x 10^2 to 3 s.f.

4.800 x 10^2 to 4 s.f.

To express the number 480 in exponential notation with 3 significant figures, we would round the number to the nearest 3-digit number.

1. Count the total number of significant figures in the original number: 3.
2. Determine the rounded value by keeping the first three significant figures and rounding the last one: 480.
3. Write the number in exponential notation by moving the decimal point to the right until there is one digit to the left of the decimal point: 4.80 x 10^2.

To express the number 480 in exponential notation with 4 significant figures, we would round the number to the nearest 4-digit number.

1. Count the total number of significant figures in the original number: 3.
2. Determine the rounded value by keeping the first three significant figures and rounding the last one: 480.
3. Write the number in exponential notation by moving the decimal point to the right until there is one digit to the left of the decimal point: 4.800 x 10^2.

To express a number in exponential notation or scientific notation, you represent it as a product of a number between 1 and 10 and a power of 10.

To express the number 480 in 3 significant figures using exponential notation, we need to include only the first three significant digits. In this case, the first three significant digits are "4," "8," and "0."

To express 480 in exponential notation with 3 significant figures, we write it as 4.80 × 10^2. Here, the decimal point is moved to the left, and the power of 10 is positive because the original number is greater than 10^2.

To express the number 480 in 4 significant figures, we include all the digits as they are all significant. Therefore, 480 in exponential notation with 4 significant figures is expressed as 4.800 × 10^2. Again, the decimal point is moved to the left, and the power of 10 is positive.