On one day the value of $1.00 U.S. was equivalent to 0.77 euro. On the same day $1.00 U.S. was equivalent to $1.24 Canadian. Write the function to represent the value of Canadian dollars euros. What is the value of the function for an input of 5 rounded to nearest cent, and what does it represent?

($Can/Euro) = ($Can/$US)*(*US/Euro)

= (1/1.24)*(0.77) = 0.621

$Canadian = 0.621*(Euros)

Five Canadian dollars is worth $3.11 Euros (at that time)

It would be worth more today.

To represent the value of Canadian dollars (CAD) in euros (EUR) given the exchange rates, we can use the conversion factor between the U.S. dollar (USD), Canadian dollar (CAD), and euro (EUR).

We know the exchange rate for 1 USD to CAD is 1.24 CAD, and the exchange rate for 1 USD to EUR is 0.77 EUR. Using these rates, we can create a function to convert CAD to EUR:

CAD to EUR = (CAD to USD) * (USD to EUR)

Applying the given exchange rates:

CAD to EUR = 1.24 CAD * 0.77 EUR

The function to represent the value of CAD in EUR is:

f(x) = 1.24x * 0.77

To find the value of the function for an input of 5 (rounded to the nearest cent), we substitute x with 5:

f(5) = 1.24 * 5 * 0.77

f(5) ≈ 4.82 EUR (rounded to the nearest cent)

The value 4.82 EUR represents the equivalent value in euros for 5 Canadian dollars, according to the given exchange rates.