What is the percentage of land used by farmers compared to farming land avalible in Hawaii? Thanks!

Are you sure you want "(farming land used)/(farming land available)"?

You will find some related statistics at

To find the percentage of land used by farmers compared to the total farming land available in Hawaii, we need two pieces of information:

1. The total land used by farmers in Hawaii.
2. The total farming land available in Hawaii.

To get this information, we can refer to agriculture-related reports and statistical data specific to Hawaii. The following steps can be followed:

1. Start by searching for the official agricultural resources and reports for Hawaii. This can be done by searching on the website of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture or similar sources.
2. Look for the most recent available data on the total land used by farmers in Hawaii. This might be mentioned in reports like "Agricultural Statistics of Hawaii" or related documents.
3. Note down the figure that represents the total land used by farmers.
4. Next, search for data on the total farming land available in Hawaii. This information may be provided in the same reports or may require additional research.
5. Note down the figure that represents the total farming land available.
6. To calculate the percentage, divide the total land used by farmers by the total farming land available, and then multiply by 100.
Percentage = (Total land used by farmers / Total farming land available) * 100

Once you have these figures, you can calculate the percentage of land used by farmers compared to the total farming land available in Hawaii.