I have been asked to explain if it is a good idea to write a summary before writing the paper. Will someone please look over my work.

I feel it is always a good idea to draft anything that you are writing. This will give you an opportunity to revise, add more information, take out unneeded information, and make needed grammar corrections. I feel it is not a good idea to draft a summary before writing the paper because important information or details may be missed or left out that were included in the writing.

Your assignment asks you to take a position -- it's either a good idea -- or it's not a good dea.

this is how the question reads...

Do you think it would be a good idea to draft a summary first before you write the paper? Why or why not?

OK. Sorry -- but I misread your first sentence.

To clarify your paragraph, I suggest you start with your last sentence.

Thank you again Ms. Sue :)

You're welcome.

It's great that you are questioning the idea of writing a summary before writing the paper. This is indeed a common practice, but whether it's a good idea or not can vary depending on the context and personal preferences.

To determine if it's a good idea for you to write a summary before writing the paper, there are a few factors you should consider:

1. Purpose of the summary: Think about why you would want to write a summary before the paper. Is it to help you organize your thoughts and outline the main points? Or is it intended to provide a concise overview to your readers? Understanding the purpose will guide your decision.

2. Familiarity with the topic: If you have a good understanding of the topic and have done thorough research, drafting a summary beforehand can be beneficial. It can help you clarify your ideas, identify any gaps or inconsistencies, and ensure a logical flow in your paper.

3. Flexibility in writing process: Some people prefer to have a fixed structure in mind before they start writing, while others prefer a more flexible approach. If you find that having a summary beforehand helps you stay organized and focused, then it may be a good idea for you.

On the other hand, if you feel that writing a summary beforehand may restrict your creativity or limit your ability to explore different ideas while writing, then it might not be the best approach for you.

In any case, it's important to remember that writing is an iterative process. Even if you choose to write a summary before the paper, it is normal to make revisions and adjustments as you go along. The writing process should allow you to refine your ideas, add new insights, and improve the overall quality of your paper.

I hope this explanation helps you in evaluating whether it is a good idea for you to write a summary before writing the paper.