It Say To Write An Algebraic Expression For Each Word Phrase.

1.6 less than twice x


No Its Just (6 less than twice x)

And We Got To Write It In Algebraic Expression

2x - 6

1 more than the quotient of 21 and b?

And How Did You Get That Answer

It could be:

(21/b) + 1


(b/21) + 1

3 times the sum of b and 5

It's your turn now. How do you think that expression should be written?


Almost. Your expression means three times b -- and then add 5.

Your problem should be:

3(b + 5)

By using parentheses, you've made it clear that you add b and 5 and multiply the sum by 3

Oh i get it!

The sum of 11 times s aqnd 3?

Answer Is: (Sx3)+5


Where is the 11?


Please don't switch screen names.

The problem says 11 times, not 11 plus.

Sorry My Little Sister keep Doin That!

So Its 11(s+3)


10 times the difference of d and 3

Is: (d*3)-10

