To determine the number of deer in a game preserve, a conservationist catches 494 deer, tags them and lets them loose. later 463 deer are caught 231 of them are tagged. how many are in the preserve ?

I came up with 494 in the preserve


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I checked the two links and I still do not understand how to calculate it.

out of 40 problems I am stuck on this one. I am just going to turn it in. Goodnight everyone.

To determine the number of deer in the game preserve, we can use a method called "mark and recapture." This method assumes that the marked and unmarked deer have mixed randomly in the population between the two captures.

Let's denote the total number of deer in the preserve as 'N'. During the first capture, 494 deer were caught and marked. In the second capture, 463 deer were caught, and among those, 231 were marked.

To find the total number of deer, we can set up a proportion:

(Number of marked deer in first capture)/(Total deer in preserve) = (Number of marked deer in second capture)/(Total deer in preserve)

494/N = 231/463

Now, we can cross-multiply and solve for N:

494 * 463 = 231 * N

N = (494 * 463)/231

N = 988

Based on the mark and recapture method, the estimated number of deer in the preserve is 988. Therefore, it seems there are more deer in the preserve than the initial count of 494.