How do you do reverse division on prime factorization?

To perform reverse division on prime factorization, you need to understand the concept of prime factorization and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Prime factorization involves expressing a number as the product of its prime factors.

Here's the step-by-step process to perform reverse division using prime factorization:

1. Begin by writing down the prime factorization of the given number. If you're not sure of the prime factorization, you can find it by dividing the number by progressively larger prime numbers until the result is a prime number.

2. Now, if you are given a quotient and a divisor, you can use the prime factorization of the quotient to find the missing dividend.

3. Identify the prime factors shared between the divisor and the quotient. These are the prime factors that form the basis of the division.

4. For each shared prime factor, find the highest power or exponent that appears in both the divisor and the quotient. This represents the number of times that prime factor should appear in the missing dividend.

5. Multiply the shared prime factors, raising each to the respective power or exponent.

6. The product obtained in step 5 will give you the missing dividend of the reverse division.

To illustrate this process, let's take an example:

Example: Perform reverse division on prime factorization for the given quotient (84) and divisor (3^2 * 7).

Step 1: Prime factorization of the quotient (84) = 2^2 * 3 * 7

Step 2: Identify the shared prime factors: 3 and 7

Step 3: For the shared prime factor 3, the highest power in the divisor is 1, and in the quotient, it is also 1.
For the shared prime factor 7, the highest power in the divisor is 1, and in the quotient, it is also 1.

Step 4: Multiply the shared prime factors with their respective powers: 3^1 * 7^1 = 3 * 7 = 21

Step 5: The missing dividend for the reverse division is 21.

Therefore, when the divisor is 3^2 * 7 and the quotient is 84, the missing dividend obtained through reverse division on prime factorization is 21.