what is the percentage of water in

Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O?

To find the percentage of water in Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O, we need to calculate the molar mass of water and the molar mass of the entire compound.

The molar mass of water (H2O) is:
2 hydrogen atoms (2 x 1.008 g/mol) + 1 oxygen atom (1 x 16.00 g/mol) = 18.02 g/mol

For the compound Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O, we need to calculate the molar mass of each component and then add them together.

The molar mass of Ba is 137.33 g/mol (atomic mass from the periodic table)
The molar mass of O is 16.00 g/mol (atomic mass from the periodic table)
The molar mass of H is 1.008 g/mol (atomic mass from the periodic table)

Now, let's calculate the molar mass of the entire compound:

Molar mass of Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O = (137.33 g/mol) + 2[(16.00 g/mol) + (1.008 g/mol)] + 8[(18.02 g/mol)]

After calculating the molar mass of the entire compound, we can find the percentage of water by dividing the molar mass of water by the molar mass of the entire compound and multiplying by 100.

(8 x 18.02 g/mol) / molar mass of Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O x 100%

Now you can substitute the values and calculate the percentage of water in Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O.

To determine the percentage of water in Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O, we need to calculate the molar mass of the compound.

The molar mass of Ba(OH)2 can be calculated by adding up the atomic masses of each element in the formula:
Ba: 1 atom x atomic mass = atomic mass of Ba
O: 2 atoms x atomic mass = atomic mass of O
H: 2 atoms x atomic mass = atomic mass of H

Next, we calculate the molar mass of water (H2O) by adding up the atomic masses of hydrogen and oxygen.

Finally, we calculate the molar mass of Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O by adding the molar mass of Ba(OH)2 and 8 times the molar mass of H2O.

Now, divide the molar mass of water by the molar mass of Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O, and multiply by 100 to calculate the percentage of water.

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Look up the atomic masses of each element:
Ba: 137.33 g/mol
O: 16.00 g/mol
H: 1.01 g/mol

2. Calculate the molar mass of Ba(OH)2:
Molar mass of Ba(OH)2 = (Ba + (O x 2) + (H x 2)) g/mol
= (137.33 + (16.00 x 2) + (1.01 x 2)) g/mol
= (137.33 + 32.00 + 2.02) g/mol
= 171.35 g/mol

3. Calculate the molar mass of H2O:
Molar mass of H2O = (H x 2) + O g/mol
= (1.01 x 2) + 16.00 g/mol
= 2.02 + 16.00 g/mol
= 18.02 g/mol

4. Calculate the molar mass of Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O:
Molar mass of Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O = (Ba(OH)2 + (8 x H2O)) g/mol
= (171.35 + (8 x 18.02)) g/mol
= (171.35 + 144.16) g/mol
= 315.51 g/mol

5. Calculate the percentage of water in Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O:
Percentage of water = (molar mass of H2O / molar mass of Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O) x 100
= (18.02 / 315.51) x 100
= 5.71%

Therefore, Ba(OH)2 x 8H2O contains approximately 5.71% of water.


You have 20 lbs fruit with 10 lbs being oranges and the others apples. What is the percent oranges.

%oranges = (weight oranges/total weight)*100 = (10/20)*100 = 50%.
Percent works the same way in chemistry.
%H2O = (mass H2O/mass sample)*100 =
(8*molar mass H2O/molar mass Ba(OH)2.8H2O)*100 = ??
Note: The molar mass Ba(OH)2.8H2O is molar mass Ba(OH)2 plus molar mass 8H2O and not times 8H2O.