Need help with these--

36. Can two sets of data have the same mean, but not the same variance?

41. Measures that describe the spread of the values in a set of data are called ______.

44. How many ways can a combined 6 be rolled with two standard dice?



You know the first two perfectly well

for #44
make a table
1 through 6 horizontal
1 through 6 vertical
fill the 36 blocks in with the sums
count the number of sums that are 6

By the way you will see a pattern immediately which will make it easy.

Sure! I can help you with those questions. Let's go through each of them one by one:

36. Can two sets of data have the same mean, but not the same variance?
To determine whether two sets of data can have the same mean but different variances, we need to understand what mean and variance are.

Mean is the average of a set of data and can be found by summing all the values and dividing by the total number of values. On the other hand, variance measures how spread out the values in a data set are. It tells us how much the data points deviate from the mean.

To answer this question, we can say that two sets of data can have the same mean but different variances. This can happen when the data in one set is more spread out or scattered compared to the other set, resulting in a larger variance even though the means of both sets are equal.

41. Measures that describe the spread of the values in a set of data are called ______.
The measures that describe the spread of values in a set of data are called measures of dispersion. These measures provide information about how spread out or clustered the data points are.

There are several common measures of dispersion, including range, variance, and standard deviation. Range is the simplest measure and represents the difference between the highest and lowest values in the data set. Variance and standard deviation, on the other hand, consider the deviations of each data point from the mean to provide a more accurate measure of spread.

44. How many ways can a combined 6 be rolled with two standard dice?
To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of rolling dice. A standard die has six faces, numbered from 1 to 6.

When rolling two standard dice, we need to find the number of ways the sum of the two numbers can result in 6. We can visualize this by listing all the possible combinations:

1 + 5 = 6
2 + 4 = 6
3 + 3 = 6
4 + 2 = 6
5 + 1 = 6

So, there are five ways to roll a combined 6 with two standard dice.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!