a used laptop computer sells for $696. that is a 40% reduction from the original price. what was the original price of the computer?

omg i got 1160 and im sure i got it WRONG

my name is gerard

nice to meet u gerard

0.6x = 696

x = ?

what? i don't get it ms.Sue

60 percent of the original price is the sale price.

60% = 0.6

0.6x = 696
x = 696/0.6
x = ?

Lavenna -- you seem to be racing through many problems without stopping to understand how to solve each one. Please slow down and really learn this math from your text materials.

can u please tell me how to do this

I did.

Can't you divide 696 by 0.6?

yess and i got 1160 !!

$1160 is the correct answer! :-)

Doesn't it make sense that a used computer at 40% off is a little over half of the original price?

omg THank you so much Ms.Sue!! u've been a great help to me and im know im a pain in the butt hehe

You're not a pain as long as you hang in there and keep trying to learn math. :-)