plz how do you solve these?- i keep getting the wrong answer

1. 3z/2 - 17/3 = 2z/3 - 3/2

2. 2/5b - 1/4b =3

3. 23 - 6g = 19

please show me step by step how you do these

Subtract 23 from both sides. It will cancel out with the +23 on the left.

23 - 6g = 19
-6g= -4

Divide -6 from -6g and -4.

g= -4/-6 <--- g= 2/3

1. Make the denominators alike.

3z/2 - 17/3 = 2z/3 - 3/2
9z/2 - 34/6 = 4z/6 - 9/6

Add 34/6 to both sides of the equal sign. The -34/6 and the +34/6 will cancel out on the left. The +34/6 is added to -9/6

9z/6 = 4z/6 + 25/6

Subtract 4z/6 from both sides. It will cancel out on the right side. And it will be subtracted from 9z/6 on the left.

5z/6 = 25/6

Then divide 5/6 from 5z/6 and 25/6, You'll have to multiply the reciprocal of 5/6, which is 6/5.

z= 25/6 * 6/5
z= 150/30 = 5
z= 5

2. Make the denominators alike.

2/5b - 1/4b =3
8/20b - 5/20b = 3
Then subtract 8/20b and 5/20b.

3/20b = 3

Then multiply 20b by both sides. It will cancel out on the left side, leaving 3 alone.


Divide 60 by 60b and 3.

b= 3/60 <-- 1/20 (Simplified)

how do you solve # 2

oh i mean # 3

# 2 is 20

No the answer to #2 is 1/20 or .05

If it was 20 then the answer would be 3, it'd be 0.0075

it is 3!

I always get rid of all my fractions.

#1 look at the denominators, their LCD is 6 , so multiply each term by 6 to get
9z - 34 = 4z - 9
5z = 25
z = 5

2/5b - 1/4b =3
multiply each term by the LCD, which is 20 to get
8b - 5b = 60
3b = 60
b = 20

Sure, I can help you solve these equations step by step.

1. First, let's simplify the equation by getting rid of fractions. To do this, we need to find a common denominator for all the fractions involved. In this case, the common denominator is 6. Multiply each term by 6 to clear the fractions:
6 * (3z/2) - 6 * (17/3) = 6 * (2z/3) - 6 * (3/2)
Simplifying further:
9z - 34 = 4z - 9

2. In this equation, again let's simplify by finding a common denominator for the fractions. The common denominator here is 20b. Multiply each term by 20b to clear the fractions:
20b * (2/5b) - 20b * (1/4b) = 20b * 3
Simplifying further:
8 - 5 = 60b
3 = 60b

3. In this equation, we don't have any fractions. To solve for g, we'll isolate the term with g on one side of the equation. Start by subtracting 23 from both sides:
23 - 23 - 6g = 19 - 23
Simplifying further:
-6g = -4
Finally, divide both sides by -6:
-6g / -6 = -4 / -6
Simplifying further:
g = 2/3

I hope these step-by-step explanations help you solve the equations correctly.