Are these right?

"It was all pure white, rolling in gentle undulations where the ice jams of the freeze‑up had formed."
"Fifty degrees below zero stood for a bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of mittens, earflaps, warm moccasins, and thick socks. Fifty degrees below zero was to him just precisely fifty degrees below zero."


Thank you for helping me:)

Yes, both of the sentences you provided are correct. They are clear and well-constructed.

If you have any concerns about the grammar, you can always use online grammar checking tools like Grammarly or LanguageTool to verify their correctness. These tools can help identify any potential errors or provide suggestions for improvement.

In the first sentence, the author describes a scene that is "all pure white" and consists of ice jams formed during the freeze-up. The phrase "rolling in gentle undulations" suggests that the white landscape has a wavy or rippling appearance.

In the second sentence, the author explains that in extremely cold temperatures such as fifty degrees below zero, the coldness feels so intense that it bites and hurts. The use of protective gear like mittens, earflaps, warm moccasins, and thick socks is necessary to guard against this frostbite-inducing cold. The author states that for the character in the story, fifty degrees below zero is simply as it is - fifty degrees below zero, emphasizing the harsh reality and familiarity of such extreme temperatures.