Can you please tell me if I can include these questions (as they are) in a reading comprehension?

Was the hotel in Mexico City as they expected it to be?
How long was the flight delayed the day they left?
What did the travel agency offer them a compensation?

These were my last questions!

I'd change that last sentence to read " ... as compensation." Other than that, everything's fine.

The next-to-last (penultimate) word is not "a" but "as."


To determine whether or not these questions can be included in a reading comprehension, it's important to consider the context and suitability of the questions. Let's analyze each question individually:

1. "Was the hotel in Mexico City as they expected it to be?"
To answer this question, you would need information about their expectations and the actual experience at the hotel. In a reading comprehension, this question can be suitable if the passage provides relevant details about their expectations and whether or not they were met.

2. "How long was the flight delayed the day they left?"
To answer this question, you would need specific information about the duration of the flight delay. In a reading comprehension, this question can be included if the passage provides the required information about the delay.

3. "What did the travel agency offer them as compensation?"
This question focuses on the compensation offered by the travel agency. In a reading comprehension, it can be included if the passage discusses the travel agency's response and the compensation provided to the individuals in question.

Ultimately, the suitability of these questions in a reading comprehension depends on the passage's content and whether it provides the necessary information to answer them. Make sure the passage includes details relevant to these questions.